Portfolio Samples

Take a look a few examples of successful products by JHoffman Consulting. Just a handful of thousands of achievements.  And we’ll be happy to share more with you.

cleanwater_dropBuilding opportunity.  Leveraging front-page news, John drafted and helped persuade the Sacramento Bee to publish an Op-Ed that put the client’s goals front and center.  It meant invaluable print and online credibility from the must-read newspaper in California’s capital.  (Article written under name of executive director.)


pass-it-onExceeding expectations.  One of the largest Chicago area church communities needed to raise money.  We worked with the development board to brand and build Pass It On.  In the end, we broke the goal “progress thermometer.” The PassItOn Development Kit [PDF] was one tool we created.  (Graphics and opening message provided by client.)


blueprintsEffective development.  A public/private consortium approached us with a multi-billion dollar education proposal.  They needed a clear, straightforward plan to present.  We delivered: New University/Freeland [PDF. At request of client, some names are redacted and altered.]


ProductCertClear explanations.  A trade association wanted to show key policymakers the benefits of its activities.  The result: Online and print materials to help pass beneficial laws and regulations.  We turned technical concepts into understandable ideas.  And to foster strong public affairs, a guide on best practices for building relationships with local legislators:  LegislatorHandbook [PDF].